Nature Club

Nature club has started with an objective to create awareness among the students and public about the necessity of protecting environment.


The sports club is designed to serve individual interests in different competitive sports and recreational activities.


It is an organized workforce by students that seeks to organize adequate and affordable support programme fro the bed ridden and the chronically ill.

Maths Club

Objective of this club is to disseminate the knowledge and awareness on mathematical science and its importance among the students and society.

Tourism Club

The tourism club is functioning in the college in associative with the DTPC and the department of tourism, Govt.of Kerala. The club encourages tourism by offering its members opportunity to interact with the serene beauty of the district..

Theatre Club

The club aims to foster artistic interest and theatre skills among the students, with this view the club organises theatre workshops and cultural events.

Folklore Club

The club intended to acquaint the students with traditional culture and knowledge.

Social Science Club

Social Scence club aims at making college students capable of becoming responsible, productive and useful members of the society. The activities of the club meant for understandind historical culture, developing values like patriotism,and discipline brotherhood and humanity.

Film club

Motion pictures being one of the most influential media for the upliftment of socio-cultural status of the society, it requires special focus in finding growing talents of this field.The Film club of Ambedkar college is started with this view. The club conducts film, arts and cultural related seminars, Competitions,workshops, and film screening. The events were intended not only to expand their knowledge in the field of cinematography and associated science, but also to impart a cultural value as well as an obligation towards the society they live in.

Innovation Club

The innovation club aims to provide students a platform for transforming their dream ideas into reality and to create a new generation of innovative leaders of reshaping their talents and skills.


Sahitheeyam aims to promote the literary talents among the students, with this view the club organizes literary workshops and talks by eminent scholars and writers.

Boomithra Sena

The club aims to provide proper environmental education and awareness among the students and organize activities include campus cleaning and planting and maintaining trees in the campus.

Standard Club

BIS has taken the initiative of creating Standards Clubs in educational institutions comprising teachers and students as members.Through a variety of activities under these clubs, young talents get learning opportunities in the field of quality and standardization.The standard clubs have already garnered prominence and are being enthusiastically promoted by educational institutions to suuplement and improve the schooling experience of students and provide opportunities to better their professional and personal growth.


The sole aim of the NSS is to provide handson experience to young students in delivering community service. It helps the students to acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitudes and make them able to gain skills in mobilising community participation. The activities and programmes of NSS make the students able to understand the community, in which they live and work, understand themselves in relation to their community, identify the needs and probles of the community and involve them in problem solving.

ED Club

an Entrepreneurship Development Club is functioning in the college to inculcate entrepreneurial ability and culture among the students.

Sports Club

The sports club is designed to serve individual interests in different competitive sports and recreational activities.

Red Ribbon Club

Red Ribbon Club(RRC) is a voluntary on campus intervention is being implemented in the higher educational institutions, aiming at heightening their risk perception and preventing HIV as well as promoting voluntary blood donation among youth between the age of 17-25 years.

Literary Club

Mental Health Club